Blue Line Alliance

Blue Line Alliance


A non-profit dedicated to serving and honoring Law Enforcement, Military and First Responders.

New York City United States


Blue Line Alliance with the support of our Hero Donors is dedicated to providing law enforcement agencies with personnel equipment, training and other forms of support to aid in the fight against crime. The goal is to ensure men and women heros in blue have access to resources that are needed to safely serve and protect our communities daily.

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Our Services

Continuing Education

Developing and delivering training programs to provide the most up to date Law Enforcement training available.

Equipment & Gear

Providing updated equipment, newer technology, and the mundane essentials to make the job a little safer.

Officer Sponsorships

Providing Officer specific Sponsorships tailored to what that Deparment or Officer needs are.

K9 Officers

We are dedicted to all Officers including the furry kind by providing Equipment, Saftey Gear and of course TOYS!

United States of America

Every 26.3 Seconds

A Violent Crime Occurs in the United States.

Help Our Defenders

The Mission

Blue Line Alliance is dedicated to providing law enforcement agencies and personnel equipment, training and other forms of support to aid in the fight against crime. Our goal is to ensure men and women in blue have access to resources that are needed to safely serve and protect their communities daily.

Many agencies are faced with budgetary constraints that hinder their ability to properly provide equipment to their officers. Blue Line Alliance works hard to ensure these agencies and officers have updated equipment, newer technology, and anything else needed to make their job a safer place to serve.

One of the most important aspects of a law enforcement officers’ career is training. As with equipment, training is typically cut down to just the basic requirements when budgets are cut. Blue Line Alliance recognizes the importance of all types of training; de-escalation training, defensive tactics, law enforcement specific conference and seminars, job specific training and other training opportunities that benefit the officer. Blue Line Alliance also provides sponsorship opportunities for Law Enforcement Academies.

The Vision

What happens to our heroes in the LEO communities when they don’t have the funds for training? They aren’t up to date on their training forcing them to rely on, in most cases, antiquated information that they learned 5, 10 and sometimes 20 years prior in their police academies. If training is neglected, then so are their personal skills to serve and protect the communities efficiently. When training suffers so does an officer’s confidence which leads them to becoming more anxious. When anyone is more anxious but especially a law enforcement officer that has multiple types of weapon system so their bodies, they are more likely to reach for any type of a weapon out of fear to address the situation. When weapons come in to play because of fear from lack of training, problems are ESCALATED. When situations are escalated, and many times unnecessarily so, we have unfortunately seen too many dark consequences for all of those involved.

With the appropriate training and education, officers have far more confidence, especially when dealing with dangerous people or situations. That confidence acquired through training is paramount for officers. LEO’s are faced with many difficult decisions with very little to no time to act upon them. When anyone finds themselves in a situation that requires physical action, it is completely normal and expected for that person to “revert back to their levels of training.” Well, if that training is garbage or worse, non-existent, because there aren’t funds to keep them sharp, crisp, up to date, gaining further education, improving their skills, etc., then we know that they are going to be more anxious leading them to reach more likely for weapons and make decisions that could possibly have been avoided through proper training.

Our Values

Founded on the support of our men and woman in blue, The Blue Line Alliance, created in 2018 by Marc Bernstein and Jon Burke and is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt, national, non-profit organization headquartered in Ocoee, FL.

The Foundation was set up to meet the unmet needs of both officers and agencies as well as officers and their families in their times of need. Now, more than ever there are officer shortages around the United States due to lack of funding for officers, training, gear, and other budgetary items. It is our mission to fill that void creating a better everyday life the communities law enforcement officers serve. Our programs specialize in supporting agencies and families on a specific need’s basis.

Our Corperate Hero's