Blue Line Alliance

Blue Line Alliance

Our Mission

Providing financial assistance, training and equipment.

Blue Line Alliance is dedicated to providing law enforcement agencies and personnel equipment, training and other forms of support to aid in the fight against crime. Our goal is to ensure men and women in blue have access to resources that are needed to safely serve and protect their communities daily.

Many agencies are faced with budgetary constraints that hinder their ability to properly provide equipment to their officers. Blue Line Alliance works hard to ensure these agencies and officers have updated equipment, newer technology, and anything else needed to make their job a safer place to serve.

One of the most important aspects of a law enforcement officers’ career is training. As with equipment, training is typically cut down to just the basic requirements when budgets are cut. Blue Line Alliance recognizes the importance of all types of training; de-escalation training, defensive tactics, law enforcement specific conference and seminars, job specific training and other training opportunities that benefit the officer. Blue Line Alliance also provides sponsorship opportunities for Law Enforcement Academies.

Our Services

Continuing Education

Developing and delivering training programs to provide the most up to date Law Enforcement training available.

Equipment & Gear

Providing updated equipment, newer technology, and the mundane essentials to make the job a little safer.

Officer Sponsorships

Providing Officer specific Sponsorships tailored to what that Deparment or Officer needs are.

K9 Officers

We are dedicted to all Officers including the furry kind by providing Equipment, Saftey Gear and of course TOYS!

Our Corperate Hero's